Our Pre-School Facilities

We have our pre-school located at our premises in Eduan Park. We start at grade R only. We are open from Mondays to Fridays – We have aftercare available. At the beginning of each year or when you enrol your child, you will receive a stationary list and a toiletry list of what each child needs for the year. We also send out a list that has all the important dates on for you to do your annual planning, it will also be available on our year planner.

School / Public Holiday:
We are closed during school holidays and all public holidays.

Our Teachers:
The teachers know how important it is for children to be taught in a loving and safe environment. They are skilled in what they do. We also know how frightening it can be for a child in a new environment that is why your child comes first in everything we do at school.

Our Learning Program:
We have a new theme every 2 weeks and also follow a daily program.

Report Cards & Parent Evenings:
Every term a report card is send to the parents. Our year end function usually takes place in November. (Subject to change)

School Rules
  1. Official language of teaching: English
  1. All learners to participate in sports. Exceptions will be made for learners with a medical condition, for which a letter from a medical practitioner must be produced.
  1. Dress code is prescribed. Neat appearance is essential:
  • Clean shoes
  • Short and clean nails
  • Girls skirts’ length must be 5 cm above the knee
  • Boys – Hair must be short & neat
  • Girls – Hair must always be tied (open face) with only red & blue elastics scrunchies / head bands. NO different coloured hair. Weaved hair must be a natural colour. Hair may not exceed past the middle of the waist.
  • No jewellery, except hoop or stud earrings (small and in silver or gold only)
  1. Absence for any reason must be communicated to the office ASAP.

Absence before or after a weekend or more than 3 days will need a medical note.

  1. Adhere to the school’s ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY:
  • Save our environment
  • Respect Animal and Plant life
  • Always save water
  1. Homework is an important extension of class work. Homework to be done regularly and neatly and parents must sign homework. (Study Guides compulsory)
  1. The school endeavours to create a balance between work, sports and play.
  1. The following issues are important in this regard:
  • No damage to property or gardens will be tolerated
  • Orderly line-up before school and after break times
  • Chewing gum is not allowed
  • No toys, guns or toy guns, and no electronic devices, and any sharp items or anything that can hurt people in any way are allowed on school premises
  • No fighting and/or bullying or wrestling allowed
  • No bad behavior, bad attitude, back-chatting or stealing will be tolerated
  • No pornographic material will be allowed on school premises
  • No swearing or personal remarks will go unpunished
  • NO CELL PHONES (Refer to Learner Policy)
  • NO Sim cards in Tablets (Refer to device Policy)

    Our school discipline system follows with a “Elica Red Card”. Every learner is provided with a Red Card where demerits takes place. More information available at school.

    Breach of the above rules will lead to suspension from school.

